
How to wear underwear

by:LADYMATE     2021-10-09
Ladymate underwear manufacturers talk about the way of wearing underwear. 1. Lean forward 45 degrees. Tilt your upper body forward 45 degrees, put your hands through the shoulder straps and let the shoulder straps hang on your shoulders. Note: If you wear underwear while standing upright, it is difficult to put all your breasts into the cup, which will eventually lead to a wrong way of wearing and deform your breasts. 2. Adjust the shoulder straps Raise your head and chest, and adjust the shoulder straps to a position that is comfortable for you. The shoulder strap of an average person should be about 3 cm from the bottom. This is the place where natural curves can be presented. 3. Hook the back buckle to store the side meat. Keep leaning forward, hook the back buckle, and then put the breast into the cup. Next, drag the fat and remaining meat from the bottom line of the breasts into the center, then the underarms, and then the upper part, so that the breasts can appear plump, and the effect will surprise people who have not done such actions. 4. Then check. Move your shoulders and raise your hands to see if the shoulder straps will fall off? Is the breast placed in the middle of the cup? Is the center point of the bra smooth? Is the fat on the armpits stored in the cup? Is the shoulder strap horizontal?
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