How can I contact Ladymate Apparel?
As we are a foreign trade company, we always pay attention to providing comprehensive communication channels for the client worldwide. We build a website with company information clearly posted on the Contact Us page. Customers can choose to write an email or make a phone call to negotiate with us about the purchase matter. Also, you can contact us via WeChat, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin. We are 24/7 available to answer your inquiries and tackle your problems.
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Mainly focused on black tanga, Shantou Ladymate Apparel Co., Ltd. has achieved great success in the domestic markets with abundant accumulated experiences. padded balconette bra produced by Ladymate Apparel is very popular in the market. LADYMATE best plus size underwear is the outcome of integrated knowledge. It is designed under the knowledge of the photosynthesis, photoelectric chemistry, and photodecomposition reaction. People can be assured that the product does not likely to accumulate illness-causing bacteria. It is safe and healthy to use with only simple care.
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We will become a human-oriented and energy-saving company. To create a future that is green and clean for the next generations, we will try to upgrade our production process to reduce emission, waste, and carbon footprint.

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