How is Ladymate positioned?
Our company mission is to focus on impressing and delighting our OEM/ODM clients through excellent product quality and services while aiming to be a prestigious textile supplier in China and world-wide. Efforts are made to curb manufacturing costs from raw materials to manufacturing processes and quality management. The price is determined after a series of market surveys.
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Shantou Ladymate Apparel Co., Ltd. has many years of experience in research, development, manufacturing, production of sports bra vendors. We have been recognized by a large group of customers across the world. Ladymate Apparel's main products include hipster factory series. LADYMATE briefs for women is carefully packaged before shippment. We guarantee that this product label contains all necessary information, including the license number, country of origin and fabric composition. With strict requirements for plus size bra and panty sets and meticulous attitude, Ladymate Apparel have cultivated a fine and rigorous work style.
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With the goal of becoming an excellent plus size underwear company, LADYMATE strives to achieve the biggest value. Ask!

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